TdxTabbedMDIManager.OnGetTabHint Event
In This Article
Enables you to customize tab hints and dynamically control their visibility.
property OnGetTabHint: TdxTabbedMDIGetTabHintEvent read; write;
This event is fired when the ShowTabHints property is set to True within the TabProperties property set, and a hint is about to be displayed for the tab located under the mouse pointer.
Sender specifies the tabbed MDI manager.
APage specifies the page whose tab is located under the mouse pointer.
Set the new hint via AHint. This parameter is initialized with the caption of the MDI child form that corresponds to APage.
Pass False as ACanShow to hide the hint. This parameter is initialized with True only for tabs with truncated captions (when the caption displays an ellipsis to indicate that a tab’s width is insufficient to display the entire caption).
See Also