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TdxSpreadSheetFunctionResultKind Type

Enumerates types of results that the implementation routines of registered Microsoft Excel-compatible function signatures can return.


TdxSpreadSheetFunctionResultKind = dxSpreadSheetCoreFormulas.TdxSpreadSheetFunctionResultKind;

Referenced Class



Options include:

Value Description
frkValue The function can return either a single value or an array. If the function is an array formula, it returns an array as a result. Otherwise, it returns a single value. For instance, the ABS function can return either an array or an individual value.
frkArray The function can return only an array as a result. For instance, the MMULT function multiplies two arrays and returns the product array as a result.
frkNonArrayValue The function has no array version and can return only a single value. For instance, the AVERAGE function returns only a single average of any number of parameters.
frkParamValue The function returns one of its parameters depending on a certain condition. For instance, the IF function returns the second parameter value if the logical test succeeds; otherwise – returns the third parameter.

The function signature’s ResultKind field references the TdxSpreadSheetFunctionResultKind type.

See Also