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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxShowAutoCorrectOptionsDialog(TdxCustomSpellChecker,TcxLookAndFeel) Method

Invokes the AutoCorrect Options dialog used by end-users to specify automatic correction options.


function dxShowAutoCorrectOptionsDialog(ASpellChecker: TdxCustomSpellChecker; ALookAndFeel: TcxLookAndFeel = nil): Integer;


Name Type
ASpellChecker TdxCustomSpellChecker
ALookAndFeel TcxLookAndFeel




If you want to use a custom dialog, derive it from the TfmSpellCheckerAutoCorrectOptionsForm (defined in the dxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectOptionsDialog unit), and use the dxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectOptionsDialogClass constant (defined in the dxSpellCheckerDialogs unit), to inform the spell checker that the custom dialog is to be invoked.

ASpellChecker specifies the spell checker for which the AutoCorrect Options dialog is to be invoked.

ALookAndFeel specifies the dialog’s look and feel settings.

AutoCorrect Options Dialog

See Also