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dxSpellChecker Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomSpellChecker The base class for the TdxSpellChecker component.
TdxCustomSpellCheckerDictionary The base class for dictionaries.
TdxSpellChecker The spell checker component.
TdxSpellCheckerAbstractCheckMode The base class for classes that manage options for checking modes.
TdxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectOptions Contains the AutoCorrect checking mode’s options.
TdxSpellCheckerCheckAsYouTypeOptions Contains the Check As You Type checking mode’s options.
TdxSpellCheckerCustomCheckMode The base class for classes that manage options for the Outlook-style and Word-style checking modes.
TdxSpellCheckerDialogCheckMode The base class for dialog-based (Outlook-style and Word-style) checking modes.
TdxSpellCheckerDictionaries A collection of dictionaries of various types.
TdxSpellCheckerDictionary The base class for the ISpell, OpenOffice, and user-defined dictionaries.
TdxSpellCheckerDictionaryItem A dictionary item in the TdxSpellCheckerDictionaries collection.
TdxSpellCheckerOutlookCheckMode The Outlook-style checking mode.
TdxSpellCheckerPersistent The base class for the spell checker’s dictionaries (such as TdxISpellDictionary, TdxHunspellDictionary, TdxOpenOfficeDictionary, and TdxUserSpellCheckerDictionary) that require streaming capability.
TdxSpellCheckerSpellingOptions Contains spell-checking options.
TdxSpellCheckerSuggestion A suggested replacement for a misspelled word.
TdxSpellCheckerSuggestionList A collection of suggestions prepared for a misspelled word.
TdxSpellCheckerWordCheckMode The Word-style checking mode.
TdxUserSpellCheckerDictionary A user-defined dictionary.