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TdxUnderlineBoxCollection Members


Name Description
Create Inherited from TObjectList.
Create(Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the TdxList<T> class with specified settings. Inherited from TdxList<T>.


Name Description
Capacity Inherited from TList.
Count Inherited from TList.
Items Inherited from TdxList<T>.
List Inherited from TList.
OwnsObjects Inherited from TObjectList.


Name Description
Add(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Add(TObject) Inherited from TObjectList.
AddRange(TdxList<T>) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
AddRange(T[]) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Assign(TList,TListAssignOp,TList) Inherited from TList.
BinarySearch(T,Integer,IComparer<T>) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Clear Inherited from TList.
Contains(T) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TList.
DeleteRange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Error(PResStringRec,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Error(String,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Exchange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
Expand Inherited from TList.
Extract(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Extract(T) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Extract(TObject) Inherited from TObjectList.
ExtractItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
ExtractItem(TObject,TDirection) Inherited from TObjectList.
FindInstanceOf(TClass,Boolean,Integer) Inherited from TObjectList.
First Inherited from TdxList<T>.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IndexOf(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
IndexOf(TObject) Inherited from TObjectList.
IndexOfItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
IndexOfItem(TObject,TDirection) Inherited from TObjectList.
Insert(Integer,Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Insert(Integer,TObject) Inherited from TObjectList.
Last Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Max(TdxListMaxIntegerAction<T>) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Move(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
MoveVertically(Integer) Inherited from TdxUnderlineBoxCollectionBase.
Pack Inherited from TList.
Remove(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Remove(TObject) Inherited from TObjectList.
RemoveItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
RemoveItem(TObject,TDirection) Inherited from TObjectList.
Sort Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Sort(IComparer<T>) Inherited from TdxList<T>.
Sort(TListSortCompare) Inherited from TList.
SortList(TListSortCompareFunc) Inherited from TList.
ToArray Inherited from TdxList<T>.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also