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TdxRichEditControlOptions Members

Stores the Rich Edit control settings.


Name Description
Create(IdxRichEditDocumentServer) Initializes a new instance of the TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase class with specified settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.


Name Description
Authentication Provides access to credentials used to identify editable ranges within a protected document. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
AutoCorrect Provides access to automatic typing correction settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Behavior Provides access to the Rich Edit control‘s behavior settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Bookmarks Provides access to the bookmark appearance settings in a document. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Changed Occurs when any of the settings with a particular Rich Edit control options set is modified. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
CopyPaste Provides access to settings affecting certain clipboard operations. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
DocumentCapabilities Provides access to the settings that determine the availability of many end-user commands provided by the Rich Edit control. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
DocumentSaveOptions Provides access to the file name and format settings affecting the SaveDocument and SaveDocumentAs commands. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Export Provides access to settings used for saving the current Rich Edit control content into different document formats. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Fields Provides access to settings affecting document fields. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
FormattingMarkVisibility Provides access to the settings that determine the visibility of individual formatting characters within a document. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
HorizontalRuler Provides access to the horizontal ruler settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Hyperlinks Provides access to hyperlink behavior settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Import Provides access to settings used to import documents in various file formats. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Layout Provides access to the layout options of all supported document Views. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
MailMerge Provides access to mail merge settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Printing Provides access to document print settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
RangePermissions Provides access to document range permission settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
Search Provides access to search-related settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
TableOptions Provides access to table display settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.
VerticalRuler Provides access to vertical ruler settings. Inherited from TdxRichEditControlOptionsBase.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Postpones sending notifications about modifications within the option set. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
CancelUpdate Discards the postponed option set change notifications and enables sending subsequent notifications to the option set’s listeners. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
EndUpdate Sends the postponed option set change notifications and enables sending subsequent notifications to the option set’s listeners. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
Reset Restores the default values for all settings within the option set. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also