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TdxComponentPrinter.EnumPagesAsImages(Integer[],TGraphicClass,Boolean,TdxEnumPagesAsImagesProc,Pointer,Pointer,Pointer,TBasedxReportLink) Method

Converts report pages to graphic images.


procedure EnumPagesAsImages(const APageIndexes: array of Integer; AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass; ADrawBackground: Boolean; ACallBackProc: TdxEnumPagesAsImagesProc; ACallBackData: Pointer; AProgressData: Pointer; APrepareData: Pointer; AReportLink: TBasedxReportLink = nil);


Name Type
APageIndexes Integer
AGraphicClass TGraphicClass
ADrawBackground Boolean
ACallBackProc TdxEnumPagesAsImagesProc
ACallBackData Pointer
AProgressData Pointer
APrepareData Pointer
AReportLink TBasedxReportLink


The EnumPagesAsImages method is called within the SavePagesAsImagesToDisk method to obtain report pages for the report link specified by the AReportLink parameter in graphic representation.

The APageIndexes parameter specifies absolute indexes of report pages used in specific events.

The AGraphicClass parameter specifies the image type.

Set the ADrawBackground parameter to True to draw the original background within an image.

The ACallBackData, AProgressData and APrepareData parameters determine pointers to arbitrary data which is used in the TdxEnumPagesAsImagesProc procedure, as well as in the OnExportProgress and OnExportPrepareGraphic events.

The TdxEnumPagesAsImagesProc procedure includes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
AComponentPrinter Determines the component printer which sends data.
AReportLink Determines the report link whose report is being converted.
AIndex Determines the zero-based index of the exported report page among other pages.
APageIndex Determines the absolute index of the current page within a report, passed via the APageIndexes parameter of the EnumPagesAsImages method.
AGraphic Specifies the image created for a specific page.
AData Contains the pointer to additional arbitrary data which is determined by the ACallBackData parameter of the EnumPagesAsImages method.
AContinue Set this parameter to True to continue converting report pages to graphic images or to False, to break all operations.
See Also