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TdxPDFViewerPasswordDialogForm.Execute(TComponent,TcxLookAndFeel,string) Method

Invokes the Enter Password dialog for a specified parent component or control.


class function Execute(AOwner: TComponent; ALookAndFeel: TcxLookAndFeel; out APassword: string): Boolean; overload;


Name Type Description
AOwner TComponent

The parent form of the target PDF Viewer control.

ALookAndFeel TcxLookAndFeel

The source of look & feel settings for the Enter Password dialog.

APassword string

The entered password.


Type Description

The function returns False if an end user closed the “Enter Password” dialog without input confirmation; otherwise, True.


The AOwner parameter specifies the parent form of a PDF Viewer control. The ALookAndFeel parameter accepts source look & feel settings.

Password Dialog Form

If the Enter Password dialog is closed with a click on the OK button or the Enter keystroke, the Execute function returns True as a result and the dialog field’s content as the APassword parameter. Otherwise, the function returns False.

See Also