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TdxPDFViewerOptionsBehavior.RenderContentInBackground Property

Specifies if the PDF Viewer control repaints document pages in a separate thread rather than the main thread.


property RenderContentInBackground: Boolean read; write; default False;

Property Value

Type Default
Boolean False


Rendering multiple simultaneously visible pages (that is, when the control displays a large zoomed out document) in the main application thread can lock end-user interaction for a noticeable time. In background (that is, asynchronous) page rendering mode, the PDF Viewer control repaints the changed document view in a separate thread improving the overall end-user experience when working with especially large documents. In this mode, the control delays updating the document view for a specific time after its actual rotation, scrolling, or zooming to avoid excessive repaint operations.

Set the RenderContentInBackground property to True or False to enable or disable the asynchronous page rendering mode, respectively. Additionally, you can adjust the delay between the latest change made to the document view and its actual repainting by using the RenderContentDelay property.


The RenderContentInBackground property value is ignored if the dxCanUseMultiThreading global function returns False.

The default RenderContentInBackground property value is False.

See Also