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TdxPDFPageRect.Create(TdxPDFPagePoint,TdxPDFPagePoint) Method

Creates a rectangle based on two points in a PDF document.


class function Create(const P1: TdxPDFPagePoint; const P2: TdxPDFPagePoint): TdxPDFPageRect; overload; static;


Name Type Description
P1 TdxPDFPagePoint

Defines a point in a PDF document.

P2 TdxPDFPagePoint

Defines a point in a PDF document.


Type Description

Defines a rectangle in a PDF document.


The P1 and P2 parameters specify the upper-left and bottom-right corners of a rectangle in a PDF document. The Create function uses the P1.PageIndex property value to initialize the PageIndex property of a newly created rectangle.

See Also