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TdxPDFComboBoxField Properties

A combobox field.
Name Description
Exportable Specifies if the field’s value is exportable. Inherited from TdxPDFCustomField.
ExportText Returns the selected field item‘s exportable value.
FullName Returns the field’s name. Inherited from TdxPDFCustomField.
ImmediatePost Specifies if the field immediately saves a selected item’s value in the PDF document model. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
ItemCount Returns the number of field items. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
ItemIndex Specifies the selected field item‘s index. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
Items Provides indexed access to field items. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
MultiSelect protected Specifies if users can select multiple field items. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ReadOnly Specifies if the field has read-only status. Inherited from TdxPDFCustomField.
Selected Provides indexed access to the selection status of individual field items. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
SelectedCount Returns the number of selected field items. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
Sorted Specifies if field items are sorted. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
Text Returns the selected field item‘s display value.
TopIndex protected Specifies an index of the item positioned at the top field border. Inherited from TdxPDFChoiceField.
See Also