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TdxNavBarBaseStyle.GradientMode Property

Specifies the direction for the linear gradient brush used to fill an element’s background.


property GradientMode: TdxBarStyleGradientMode read; write;

Property Value



If both the BackColor and BackColor2 properties are set, the elements using this style are supposed to draw their background with a linear gradient brush. Use the GradientMode property to specify the direction for this brush.

The direction for the linear gradient brush is specified by the TdxBarStyleGradientMode enumerator. The following table represents available values of this enumerator.

Value Description
gmHorizontal The direction of the linear gradient brush is horizontal.
gmVertical The direction of the linear gradient brush is vertical.
gmForwardDiagonal The direction of the linear gradient brush is diagonal starting from the top left corner.
gmBackwardDiagonal The direction of the linear gradient brush is diagonal starting from the top right corner.
See Also