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TdxNavBarBaseStyle.AssignedValues Property

Contains a set of values specifying which properties are used for NavBar drawing.


property AssignedValues: TdxBarStyleAssignedValues read; write; default [];

#Property Value



The TdxNavBarBaseStyle class contains the properties specifying the style of a particular NavBar element. The AssignedValues property contains a set of values identifying the properties whose values are taken into account when painting the control. The TdxBarStyleAssignedValue enumerator specifies the values that can be included in the set.

The following table lists values available for the TdxBarStyleAssignedValue type.

Value Description
savAlphaBlending The AlphaBlending property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savAlphaBlending2 The AlphaBlending2 property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savBackColor The BackColor property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savBackColor2 The BackColor2 property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savFont The Font property value takes part in NavBar drawing. Enables Font.Height property scaling.
savGradientMode The GradientMode property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savHAlignment The HAlignment property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savVAlignment The VAlignment property value takes part in NavBar drawing.
savImage The Image property value takes part in NavBar drawing.

The default value of the AssignedValues property is [].

See Also