TdxMapItemFileLayer.LoadShapeFileFromStream(TStream,TStream,TStream) Method
Loads Esri shapefile vector data (shapes, their attributes, and encoding) from specified streams.
Name | Type | Description |
ASHPStream | TStream | The file stream with SHP file content. |
ADBFStream | TStream | The file stream with DBF file content. |
ACPGStream | TStream | The file stream with CPG file content. |
This method does the following:
Sets the FileType property to miftShape.
Loads shapes, their attributes, and a code page from the SHP, DBF, and CPG file streams passed as the AShpStream, ADbfStream, and ACpgStream parameters. The LoadShapeFileFromStream uses the loaded code page to interpret content of the loaded DBF file. If an exception occurs during this operation, the layer’s MapItems collection is cleared.
Populates the layer’s MapItems collection and map item Attributes collections with map items and attributes that are created based on the loaded data.
Sets the Active property to True if data loading succeeds.