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TdxTileControlStyle Properties

Contains appearance settings of a tile control.
Name Description
BorderColor Specifies the border color of a tile control element. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
CheckedItemCheckMarkColor Specifies the color of check marks displayed in checked tiles.
CheckedItemFrameColor Specifies the color of the frame displayed around checked tiles.
FocusedColor Specifies the color of the focus rectangle and hot-track frames.
Font Specifies the font settings applied to text within tile items. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
Gradient Specifies the gradient fill type for a tile control element’s background. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
GradientBeginColor Specifies the start color of a gradient fill or the fill color for a solid filling used for a tile control element’s background. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
GradientEndColor Specifies the end color of a gradient fill used for a tile control element’s background. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Stretch Specifies how an image specified by the Texture property fills the background of a tile or tile bar item. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
Texture Specifies a tile control element’s background image. Inherited from TdxTileControlCustomStyle.
See Also