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TdxBarItemLink Properties

A link between a toolbar item and the corresponding item control
Name Description
AvailableIndex Returns the item’s position in the AvailableItems collection of TdxBarItemLinks.
BarControl Provides access to the bar control which contains the item control as specified by its Control property.
BarManager Provides access to the bar manager that owns the current item link.
BeginGroup Specifies whether the item control that corresponds to the current item link starts a group.
ButtonGroup Specifies whether the corresponding item control is displayed in an item group.
CanVisibleIndex Returns the item’s position in the CanVisibleItems collection of TdxBarItemLinks.
Caption Determines the item control’s caption.
Collection Specifies the item link collection to which the current item link belongs.
Control Provides access to the item control which corresponds to the current item link.
Data Stores an arbitrary value as a part of the current item link.
DisplayName Inherited from TCollectionItem.
Distributed Specifies the current item link’s vertical alignment within a Ribbon Tab Group‘s column.
Glyph Provides access to the glyph of the item control, which corresponds to the current item link.
ID Inherited from TCollectionItem.
ImageIndex Specifies the image that is displayed when the item link is associated with a standard size (16 by 16 pixels) bar item control or enlarged standard size button.
Index Inherited from TCollectionItem.
Item Specifies the toolbar item linked to the corresponding item control.
ItemRect Specifies the item control’s coordinates.
MostRecentlyUsed Determines whether an item control linked with the current item link is marked as the most frequently used.
Owner Specifies the collection that contains the current item link.
PaintStyle Provides access to the paint style of the item control which corresponds to the current item link.
Position Specifies how the current item link is laid out in a toolbar.
RealItemLink Provides access to the actual item link of the current item link.
UserCaption Specifies the additional item’s caption defined by an end-user.
UserDefine Specifies the properties defined by an end-user.
UserGlyph Specifies a user-defined glyph.
UserPaintStyle Specifies a user-defined paint style.
UserWidth Specifies the linked bar edit item‘s width in pixels.
ViewLayout Specifies the order in which the item link’s glyph, caption, and embedded control are displayed in the item link’s controls.
ViewLevels Specifies visual identifiers for the current item link.
Visible Determines whether an item control appears on a toolbar.
VisibleIndex Returns the item’s position within the VisibleItems indexed collection of item links.
Width Returns the item control’s width – in pixels.
See Also