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TdxBarItemControl Members

An abstract base class for item controls that represents toolbar items.


Name Description
Create(TdxBarItemLink) Creates an instance of the TdxBarItemControl class.


Name Description
BarManager Provides access to a bar manager to which the item control belongs.
Caption protected Specifies the item control’s caption.
Enabled Determines whether an item control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.
Glyph protected Returns the item control’s glyph.
Hint protected Returns the item control’s hint text.
IsActive Specifies whether a mouse pointer rests over an item control.
IsSelected Returns True if an item control is selected on a toolbar.
Item Provides access to an underlying item associated with the item control.
ItemLink Specifies the TdxBarItemLink object that links an item control to an underlying item.
PainterClass Provides access to the class used to paint the current item control.
Parent Specifies the bar control to which a given item control belongs.
ShortCut protected Returns the item control’s shortcut.
Width protected Returns the horizontal size of an item control in pixels.


Name Description
BeginGroupChanged protected This method is called when changing the BeginGroup property.
CanClicked protected Specifies whether an item control responds to mouse clicks.
CanDestroyOnClick protected Specifies whether a parent bar control loses focus when a user clicks the item control.
CaptionChanged protected This procedure is called when changing item control captions.
ControlClick(Boolean,Char) protected Simulates a mouse click.
ControlInactivate(Boolean) protected
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetDefaultHeight protected
GetDefaultWidth protected
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HasWindow Determines whether the current item control is a windowed control.
HotGlyphChanged protected
Paint(TcxCanvas,TRect,TdxBarPaintType) Paints an item control.
PaintStyleChanged protected
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
Repaint Repaints an item control on screen.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also