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TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataSet Class

Represents an in-memory read-only dataset based on a pivot grid’s drill-down data of data cells.


TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataSet = class(


This class doesn’t introduce any new functionality, but instead publishes properties and events inherited from the base class.


Drop a TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataSet component on a form and link it to a pivot grid via the PivotGrid property. After this, you can bind this dataset via a TDataSource component to any data-aware control. End-users can select cells to include their drill-down records into the dataset.

The image below demonstrates the grid control bound to the drill-down dataset.

To manually populate the dataset with data, call the CreateData method. To enable the automatic recreation of the dataset in response to changes to the pivot grid’s summary data, field layout, or selection, use the dataset’s SynchronizeData option. If the pivot grid’s OptionsSelection.MultiSelect option is enabled, end-users can combine various drill-down records into one dataset by selecting non-contiguous data cell ranges while holding down the Ctrl key.

The DataSetsDemo shipped with the ExpressPivotGrid Suite describes how you can use the TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataSet component to display drill-down data in the ExpressQuantumGrid Table View.

See Also