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TcxPropertyEditor Members

The base class for editors used to edit the inspected components’ properties in the runtime object inspector.


Name Description
Create(TComponent,TcxCustomRTTIInspector,Integer) Initializes a new instance of the TcxPropertyEditor class with specified settings.


Name Description
PropCount Represents the number of inspected components properties of the same type associated with the current editor.
Value Provides the string representation of the current property value.


Name Description
AllEqual Tests whether only one inspected component with the edited property is selected.
Edit Sets the edited property to some default value.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetAttributes Returns a set or subset of the TcxPropertyAttributes flags.
GetComponent(Integer) Returns the inspected component identified by the Index parameter.
GetEditLimit Returns the maximum number of characters for the edited property value.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetName Returns the name of the edited property.
GetProperties(TComponent,TcxGetPropEditProc) Provides the subproperties of the edited property to the Proc callback method.
GetPropType Returns a pointer to the type information record for the edited property.
GetValue Returns the string representation of the edited property value.
GetValues(TGetStrProc) Provides enumerated values to the callback method.
IsDefaultValue Tests if the edited property value is default value.
SetValue(string) Sets the edited property value.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
ValueAvailable Tests whether the edited property value is available for editing or reading.
See Also