How to Custom Paint Column Headers
The following example demonstrates how to handle the tree list’s OnCustomDrawHeaderCell event, used to manually paint column headers:
procedure <Form>.<TreeList>CustomDrawHeaderCell(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxTreeListHeaderCellViewInfo;
var ADone: Boolean);
// specify the default color and font settings
cxApplyViewParams (ACanvas, AViewInfo.ViewParams);
// changes the font style to bold
AViewInfo.ViewParams.Font.Style := [fsBold];
// specify the column header's background color
ACanvas.Brush.Color := $FAE6E6;
// paint the column header
// draw the column's caption
ACanvas.DrawTexT(AViewInfo.Text, AViewInfo.TextBounds, 0, True);
// draw a frame around the header
ACanvas.FrameRect(AViewInfo.BoundsRect, clBlack, 1);
with AViewInfo do
if (SortOrder <> soNone) then
// paint the sort glyph, if sorting is applied
TcxTreeList(Sender).LookAndFeel.Painter.DrawSortingMark(ACanvas, SortMarkBounds, SortOrder = soAscending);
// suppress the default painting
ADone := True;