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How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Cell Data without Accessing the Clipboard

  • 4 minutes to read

The most popular cell data copy and move techniques use the clipboard. However, if you need to keep its content intact, you can use a worksheet’s CopyCellDataToStream and PasteCellDataFromStream procedures, allowing you to copy and paste cell data via a stream object, without accessing the clipboard. In addition to the cell data and formatting, these procedures copy comment containers associated with cells. However, other floating container types cannot be copied in this manner.

You can use these methods to emulate:

In order to work with the CopyCellDataToStream and PasteCellDataFromStream procedures, first, you need to create a valid stream object (that is, a TStream descendant instance). The following code example demonstrates how to copy the A1:C4 cell range into the same worksheet, starting from the D1 cell:

  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  AStream: TMemoryStream;
  ASourceRect: TRect;
  ADestinationPoint: TPoint;
  ATableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;
  AStream := TMemoryStream.Create;  // Create a TStream descendant instance
    ASourceRect := Rect(0, 0, 2, 3);  // Pass the column and row indexes of the range's left-top and right-bottom cells as the Rect's parameters
    ADestinationPoint := Point(3, 0);  // Pass the destination cell's row and column indexes as the Point's parameters
    ATableView.CopyCellDataToStream(ASourceRect, AStream);
    AStream.Position := 0;  // Reset the stream object's read position
    ATableView.PasteCellDataFromStream(ADestinationPoint, AStream);

To emulate the behavior of a worksheet’s CopyToClipboard and PasteFromClipboard procedures without modifying the clipboard’s content, you need to:

  • Pass the current selection’s area as the CopyCellDataToStream procedure’s AArea parameter.

  • Specify the current selection’s left and top positions as the destination point position passed as the PasteCellDataFromStream procedure’s ADestination parameter.

The following code example demonstrates how to copy the current cell selection to the same place in a different worksheet:

  ATableView1, ATableView2: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  ADestinationPoint: TPoint;
  AStream: TMemoryStream;
  ATableView1 := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;  // The source worksheet
  AStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    ATableView2 := TdxSpreadSheetTableView(dxSpreadSheet1.Sheets[1]);  // The destination worksheet
    ADestinationPoint := Point(ATableView1.Selection.Area.Left, ATableView1.Selection.Area.Top);  // Destination point matches the selection area's origin
    ATableView1.CopyCellDataToStream(ATableView1.Selection.Area, AStream);  // Note that the Area may include multiple cell selections
    AStream.Position := 0;
    ATableView2.PasteCellDataFromStream(ADestinationPoint, AStream);

In order to emulate the behavior of a worksheet’s CutToClipboard procedure, you can call the CopyCellDataToStream procedure followed by invoking the ClearCells procedure. Pass the current selection area as the Area parameter of both procedures:

  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  AStream: TMemoryStream;
  AStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
  ATableView.CopyCellDataToStream(ATableView.Selection.Area, AStream);  // Copy the selected cells to the created stream object
  ATableView.ClearCells(ATableView.Selection.Area);  // Clear the copied cells to emulate the CutToClipboard procedure's behavior
See Also