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Applying The Recurrence Pattern

  • 3 minutes to read

Some user events are recurring – they occur repeatedly (on a regular basis). There are several elements that are used to define how the recurrence is applied to the recurring user event:

Both of these elements compose the so-called Recurrence pattern, which defines when the user event reoccurs.

There is one more element, which is called the Range of recurrence – it defines the time boundaries/limits of a recurrence. There are three possible scenarios for specifying values for this element:

The user event’s EventType property plays a key role in specifying the occurrence status. If the specified user event is a parent of a chain of occurrences, assign etPattern to this property. If the details of an occurrence in the chain of reoccurrences are changed, this occurrence will be posted to storage with the EventType property set to etCustom. If the reoccurrence that is spawned from the parent is deleted it will then be saved to storage with the EventType property set to etException.

The following example shows how to apply the Recurrence pattern and the Range of recurrence so as to create a recurring user event.

// ...
with DBStorage.CreateEvent do
  ResourceID := 1; // assign the newly created user event to the Lesli Gritts resource. For how to set up a resource in bound mode see the Bound Mode topic
  Caption := 'Appointment with a doctor'; // specify the subject
  Start := Date + 10 * HourToTime; // the start time of the user event (the HourToTime constant is defined in the cxSchedulerUtils unit) 
  Duration := 30 * MinuteToTime; // the duration of the user event (the MinuteToTime constant is defined in the cxSchedulerUtils unit)
  State := tlsOutOfOffice; // the availability status is "out of office"
  EventType := etPattern; // start the series of the occurrences
  RecurrenceInfo.Count := 3; // end after three occurrences
  RecurrenceInfo.Recurrence := cxreDaily; // the daily basis
  RecurrenceInfo.DayType := cxdtWeekDay;     
  RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity := 1; // repeat every weekday
  Post; // synchronize with storage

This is the code execution result:


the output shown is produced when the scheduler’s LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is set to False, the lfFlat flag on the LookAndFeel.Kind property is active, two resources are defined and the scheduler’s OptionsView.GroupingKind property is set to gkByDate.

See Also