How to Add Custom Elements to Skins
- 2 minutes to read
Skins are shipped with the pre-defined (default) elements, properties, and colors. You are free to change them, or add custom elements via the Skin Editor, or programmatically.
This topic describes how you can add custom elements to skins, and access these elements in code. Refer to the How to Add Custom Colors and Properties to Skins help topic, to learn more.
In skins, elements are divided into groups according to target products, common use, etc. To add custom elements to a group via the Skin Editor, select the group or one of its elements, and click the Add Element toolbar button or the Project | Add Element menu item.
This will open a window prompting you for a unique element name. To add the element to all skins within a project, check a corresponding option in this window.
To delete skin elements, select the desired skin element, and click the Delete Element toolbar button or the Project | Delete Element menu item.
In code, you can use the following product group methods to perform the same tasks.
Objective | Method |
Adding skin elements | Add Add |
Accessing skin elements | Elements Get |
Deleting skin elements | Delete Remove |
The following code example demonstrates how to manage custom skin elements.
..., cxLookAndFeels, dxSkinInfo, cxLookAndFeelPainters;
APainter: TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter;
ASkinInfo: TdxSkinInfo;
ASkin: TdxSkin;
AFormGroup: TdxSkinControlGroup;
AFormLogo, AFormLegacyLogo: TdxSkinElement;
// Getting a painter that corresponds to the MySkin_MoneyTwins1 skin
if cxLookAndFeelPaintersManager.GetPainter('MySkin_MoneyTwins1', APainter) then
// Getting a painter's skin data
ASkin := ASkinInfo.Skin;
// Getting the Form product group
AFormGroup := ASkin.GetGroupByName('Form');
// Adding a Form.FormLogo skin element
AFormLogo := AFormGroup.AddElement('FormLogo');
// Getting the Form.FormLegacyLogo element
AFormLegacyLogo := AFormGroup.GetElementByName('FormLegacyLogo');
if AFormLegacyLogo <> nil then
// Assigning Form.FormLogo element properties from the Form.FormLegacyLogo element
After this, you can use the Form.FormLogo skin element when implementing new appearance options, in control painters built with the Skin Editor.