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Register DevExpress NuGet Gallery to Access Mobile UI for .NET MAUI

  • 3 minutes to read

We distribute the DevExpress Mobile UI suite through our NuGet Gallery. This topic explains how to register the DevExpress NuGet Gallery as a package source. Once registered, review the following help topic to add NuGet packages to your project:


If you do not have a .NET MAUI Subscription, your 30-day trial for non-licensed DevExpress NuGet packages starts automatically once you install packages for your projects. Non-licensed NuGet packages are not available after your 30-day trial period (you can request a trial extension through the DevExpress Support Center).

Obtain a Personal NuGet Feed URL

Follow the steps below to obtain your NuGet feed URL.

  1. Visit, log in as a registered DevExpress customer, and click Obtain Feed URL.

    Obtain Feed URL

  2. At the bottom of this page, click Copy to Clipboard to copy your unique NuGet feed URL to the clipboard.

    Copy to Clipboard

See also: Choose Between Offline and Online DevExpress NuGet Feeds.

Navigate to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Source and add your personal NuGet feed to the list of package sources.

Register NuGet Feed - Visual Studio

See also: Install NuGet Packages in Visual Studio, VS Code, and Rider.

You can manage NuGet packages with a CLI (command line interface). Refer to the following help topic for more information: Use Command Line Tools to Manage DevExpress NuGet Packages.

Packages Included

The DevExpress NuGet Gallery includes the following packages and components for .NET MAUI development:

Contains classes, interfaces, and enums that implement the basic functionality of DevExpress components for MAUI. This package also includes such components as DXButton, SlideView, DXScrollView, DXStackLayout, DXWrapLayout, and DXDockLayout.
Contains the DataGridView component.
Contains DataFormView, Chip, ChoiceChipGroup and other chip groups, TextEdit, and other data editors.
Contains the DXCollectionView component.
Contains the DXTreeView component.
Contains the ChartView and PieChartView components.
Contains the MonthView, WeekView, and other scheduler views.
Contains the TabView, DXPopup, BottomSheet, and ShimmerView controls.
Contains classes that implement the HtmlEdit functionality.
Contains classes and interfaces that implement the RadialGauge and RadialProgressBar functionality.
Contains classes that implement the PdfViewer functionality.

* This control requires a license to our Universal Subscription. Without a valid license, you cannot use the control within your .NET MAUI application.