ViewerApiExtensionEvents Type
Describes events this extension fires.
export type ViewerApiExtensionEvents = {
itemClick: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemClickEventArgs;
itemSelectionChanged: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs;
itemWidgetCreated: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemWidgetEventArgs;
itemWidgetUpdating: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemWidgetEventArgs;
itemWidgetUpdated: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemWidgetEventArgs;
itemWidgetOptionsPrepared: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemWidgetOptionEventArgs;
itemElementCustomColor: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs;
itemVisualInteractivity: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs;
itemMasterFilterStateChanged: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs;
itemDrillDownStateChanged: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs;
itemActionAvailabilityChanged: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs;
itemCaptionToolbarUpdated: DevExpress.Dashboard.ItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs;
dashboardTitleToolbarUpdated: DevExpress.Dashboard.DashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs;
selectedTabPageChanged: DevExpress.Dashboard.SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs;
Name | Type | Description |
dashboardTitleToolbarUpdated | DashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs before the dashboard title toolbar is updated. |
itemActionAvailabilityChanged | ItemActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurrs after the available interactivity actions for the specific dashboard item changes. |
itemCaptionToolbarUpdated | ItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs before the dashboard item caption toolbar is updated. |
itemClick | ItemClickEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs when a user clicks a dashboard item. |
itemDrillDownStateChanged | ItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs when a drill-down/drill-up is performed. |
itemElementCustomColor | ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to paint the dashboard item elements with the specified colors. |
itemMasterFilterStateChanged | ItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs when the master filter state is changed. |
itemSelectionChanged | ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs after the selection within the dashboard item is changed. |
itemVisualInteractivity | ItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting. |
itemWidgetCreated | ItemWidgetEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets. |
itemWidgetOptionsPrepared | ItemWidgetOptionEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets and configure their options. |
itemWidgetUpdated | ItemWidgetEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets. |
itemWidgetUpdating | ItemWidgetEventArgs | A handler for the event that allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets. |
selectedTabPageChanged | SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs | A handler for the event that occurs when the selected tab page is changed. |
Find the extension by its name (viewerApi
) and pass the event handler’s name to subscribe to the ViewerApiExtension events.
The following code handles the onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event:
function onBeforeRender(dashboardControl) {
let viewerApiExtension = dashboardControl.findExtension("viewerApi");
if (viewerApiExtension) {
viewerApiExtension.on('dashboardTitleToolbarUpdated', customizeDashboardTitleToolbar);
function customizeDashboardTitleToolbar(args) {
// ...