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UrlStateExtensionOptions Interface

Provides options for customizing the UrlStateExtension.


export interface UrlStateExtensionOptions


See the following topic for information on how to use the DashboardControl’s client-side API: Extensions Overview.

See Also


#includeDashboardIdToUrl Property

Specifies whether the dashboard id is included in the Web Dashboard’s URL.


includeDashboardIdToUrl?: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true to include the dashboard id in the Web Dashboard’s URL; otherwise, false.

#includeDashboardStateToUrl Property

Specifies whether the dashboard state (such as the master filtering state) is included in the Web Dashboard’s URL.


includeDashboardStateToUrl?: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true to include the dashboard state in the Web Dashboard’s URL; otherwise, false.


Note that the includeDashboardStateToUrl property is in effect when the DashboardControlOptions.workingMode is set to WorkingMode.Viewer or WorkingMode.ViewerOnly.


The Web Dashboard automatically removes the dashboard state from a long URL string to avoid cases when the URL is truncated by a web browser.