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ViewerToolbarItemMenu Interface

A toolbar item’s menu.


export interface ViewerToolbarItemMenu


Use the property to add a popup for the viewer toolbar item.

Toolbar items in the dashboard title and dashboard item caption can display a popup menu with text or icon elements:

Text Elements


Use the ViewerToolbarItemMenu.type property to specify a popup menu’s type.

The following example shows how to add a toolbar item to the dashboard item caption: add a new toolbar item, customize the existing toolbar item, and delete a specific element from the toolbar items collection.

The customizeCaptionToolbar function below do the following:

  • Creates a custom button for each dashboard item. The itemClick method call returns the item’s component name.
  • Creates a custom button with a pop-up menu for the Chart dashboard item. The button belongs to the DashboardItemCaptionToolbarOptions.actionItems collection and is displayed only when the mouse pointer hovers over the dashboard item caption. The pop-up menu contains three icon elements. The itemClick method call returns a name of the clicked item.
  • Changes the ListBox caption to ‘Filter’.
  • Removes the caption text for the Chart dashboard item.

The image below shows the added toolbar items:


Handle the ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event depending on your platform and call the custom customizeCaptionToolbar function in the event handler:

function customizeCaptionToolbar(e) {
    // Add a new toolbar item to the caption for each dashboard item.
        type: "button",
        icon: "base-triangle",
        hint: "Show Component Name",
        click: function () {
            DevExpress.ui.notify("The component name of this dashboard item is " + e.itemName, "info");
    // Add a new toolbar item to the caption for the specific Chart item.
    if (e.itemName === "chartDashboardItem1") {
            type: "menu",
            icon: "base-circle",
            menu: {
                type: "icons",
                items: ["green-circle", "yellow-circle", "red-circle"],
                selectionMode: "none",
                title: "Circles",
                itemClick: function (itemData) {
                    DevExpress.ui.notify("This is " + itemData.toString(), "success");
    // Change the existing toolbar item in the caption.
    if (e.itemName === "listBoxDashboardItem1") {
        var caption = e.options.staticItems.filter(function (item) {
            return === 'item-caption'
        if (caption.length > 0) {
            caption[0].text = 'Filter';
    // Remove the existing toolbar item from the caption.
    if (e.itemName === "chartDashboardItem1") {
        e.options.staticItems = e.options.staticItems.filter(function (item) {
            return !== 'item-caption'


#columnCount Property

Specifies the number of columns in the pop-up menu.


columnCount?: number

#Property Value

Type Description

An integer value that specifies the number of columns displayed in the pop-up menu.


You can specify a number of columns to arrange icons in the popup menu. This property is in effect only when the type is icons.

#itemClick Property

Specifies a custom function that is executed when a click on the specified item occurs.


itemClick?: (itemData: Object, itemElement: DevExpress.core.DxElement, itemIndex: number) => void

#Property Value

Type Description
(itemData: Object, itemElement: DxElement, itemIndex: number) => void

A function that is executed when a click on the specified item occurs. You can use an item, a JQuery element, and an item index as arguments.


The itemClick property raises the click event when the toolbar item’s type is menu. If the toolbar item’s type is button, use the property to raise the click event.

#items Property

Specifies items displayed in the pop-up menu.


items?: Array<string>

#Property Value

Type Description

An array of string values that specify the text items or icon names.


The popup menu can consist of the text elements or icons. The items property specifies the following values according to the element’s type:

  • Text elements: an array of string values that defines text elements.
  • Icons: string value is the icon’s id from the SVG definition.

For icons, place the SVG definition on the page containing the Web Dashboard and set the icon’s color to dx-dashboard-icon to support colors of the Web Dashboard. The recommended icon size is 48 x 48 px.

#itemTemplate Property

Specifies a template used to create the toolbar item.


itemTemplate?: (itemData: Object, itemElement: DevExpress.core.DxElement, itemIndex: number) => JQuery | Element | string

#Property Value

Type Description
(itemData: Object, itemElement: DxElement, itemIndex: number) => string | Element | JQuery<HTMLElement>

A function that gets an item, a JQuery element, and an item index as arguments and returns a toolbar template in result.

#selectedItems Property

Specifies the items being selected.


selectedItems?: Array<string>

#Property Value

Type Description

An array of string values that specify the text items or icon names.

#selectionMode Property

Specifies the selection mode for a popup menu.


selectionMode?: "none" | "single" | "multiple"

#Property Value

Name Description

The selection is disabled.


Allows users to select multiple items within the popup menu.


Allows users to select a single element within the popup menu. Users cannot clear selection.

#title Property

Specifies a title of the popup menu with icons.


title?: string

#Property Value

Type Description

A string that specifies a title of the popup menu with icons.


The title property is in effect when the ViewerToolbarItemMenu.type is set to icons. The image below displays a popup menu where a title is “Export To”:

#type Property

Specifies a type of the dashboard toolbar menu.


type: "list" | "icons"

#Property Value

Name Description

Defines a vertical popup menu with text elements.


Defines a horizontal popup menu with icon elements.


The dashboard title and dashboard item caption can display a popup menu with text or icon elements. The recommended icon size is 48 x 48 px.