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DashboardControlEvents Type

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Provides access to the DashboardControl’s events.


export type DashboardControlEvents = {
    initializing: DashboardControlArgs;
    beforeRender: DashboardControlArgs;
    dashboardInitializing: DashboardInitializingArgs;
    dashboardInitialized: DashboardInitializedArgs;
    dashboardStateChanged: DashboardStateChangedArgs;
    itemBeginUpdate: DashboardItemUpdateArgs;
    itemEndUpdate: DashboardItemUpdateArgs;
    dashboardBeginUpdate: DashboardUpdateArgs;
    dashboardEndUpdate: DashboardUpdateArgs;
    optionChanged: DashboardOptionChangedArgs<DashboardControlOptions>;


Name Type Description
beforeRender DashboardControlArgs

Occurs before any element in the Web Dashboard control has been rendered.

dashboardBeginUpdate DashboardUpdateArgs

Occurs when a dashboard update is initiated.

dashboardEndUpdate DashboardUpdateArgs

Occurs after the dashboard is updated.

dashboardInitialized DashboardInitializedArgs

Occurs after the dashboard displayed in the control has been initialized.

dashboardInitializing DashboardInitializingArgs

Occurs before the dashboard displayed in the control has been initialized.

dashboardStateChanged DashboardStateChangedArgs

Occurs after the current dashboard state in the Web Dashboard is changed.

initializing DashboardControlArgs

Occurs after the control has been initialized and before the control has been rendered.

itemBeginUpdate DashboardItemUpdateArgs

Occurs when a dashboard item update is initiated.

itemEndUpdate DashboardItemUpdateArgs

Occurs after the dashboard item is updated.

optionChanged DashboardOptionChangedArgs<DashboardControlOptions>

Occurs after a widget option is changed.