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DxFormLayoutTabPage Properties

A component that implements a tabbed layout group.
Name Description
BeginRow Specifies whether a Form Layout group, tab pages container, or item starts a new row. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
Caption Specifies a Form Layout group, tab, or item caption. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
CaptionCssClass Assigns a CSS class to the tabbed layout group’s caption.
CaptionPosition Specifies an item’s Caption position. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
CaptionTemplate Specifies the template used to display the tab page’s caption.
ColSpanLg Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on large screens (992px or wider). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
ColSpanMd Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on medium screens (768px or wider). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
ColSpanSm Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on small screens (576px or wider). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
ColSpanXl Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on extra large screens (1200px or wider). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
ColSpanXs Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on any screen (extra small and larger). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
ColSpanXxl Specifies the number of columns an item, a group, or a tab page container occupies on extra extra large screens (1400px or wider). Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the form layout item. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
Enabled Specifies whether the auto-generated editors in the Form Layout are enabled. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
HeaderCssClass Assigns a CSS class to the tab header.
HeaderIconCssClass Specifies the CSS class of a Form Layout tab’s icon.
HeaderIconUrl Specifies the tab page header’s icon URL.
HeaderTemplate Specifies the template used to display the tab header.
Id Specifies the form layout item’s unique identifier. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
Items Contains nested elements in the Form Layout group and tab. Inherited from FormLayoutGroupBase.
ReadOnly Specifies whether the Form Layout element (item, group, tab pages container, or tab) activates read-only mode for nested auto-generated editors. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
Visible Specifies whether a Form Layout item, group, tab pages container, or tab is visible. Inherited from FormLayoutItemBase.
See Also