PivotGridStyles Properties
Provides the style settings used to paint the elements within the pivot grid.Name | Description |
AreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint all pivot grid header areas, including the column header area, row header area, data header area, and filter header area. |
CellsAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint a data cell area. |
CellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint cells. |
ColumnAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the column header area. |
ColumnFieldValuesAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint a column field value area. |
CssFilePath | Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase. |
CssPostfix | Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase. |
CustomizationFieldsCloseButtonStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the close button within the Customization Fields window. |
CustomizationFieldsContentStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window’s content. |
CustomizationFieldsHeaderStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window’s header. |
CustomizationFieldsStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window. |
CustomTotalCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint cells within custom totals. |
DataAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the data header area. |
EnableDefaultAppearance | Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase. |
FieldValueGrandTotalStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint field values corresponding to grand totals . |
FieldValueStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint field values. |
FieldValueTotalStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint field values corresponding to totals. |
FilterAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the filter header area. |
FilterButtonPanelStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint filter button panels. |
FilterButtonStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the filter buttons. |
FilterItemsAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the items area within the filter window. |
FilterItemStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint items within the filter window. |
FilterWindowStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the filter window. |
GrandTotalCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint grand total cells. |
HeaderStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the grid’s headers (column header area, row header area, data header area). |
HorizontalScrollBarEmptyCellStyle | For internal use. |
LoadingDiv | Gets the style settings used to paint a rectangle displayed above the ASPxPivotGrid while waiting for a callback response. |
LoadingPanel | Gets the style settings used to paint the Loading Panel. |
MenuItemStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the context menu’s items. |
MenuStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the context menu. |
PrefilterBuilderButtonAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint a prefilter’s footer that displays buttons. |
PrefilterBuilderCloseButtonStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s Close button. |
PrefilterBuilderHeaderStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s header. |
PrefilterBuilderMainAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s content area. |
PrefilterBuilderModalBackgroundStyle | Gets style settings that define the appearance of the page displayed behind the invoked Prefilter window. |
PrefilterPanelCheckBoxCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the check box. |
PrefilterPanelClearButtonCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell that displays the Clear button. |
PrefilterPanelExpressionCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the current filter expression. |
PrefilterPanelImageCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the filter image. |
PrefilterPanelLinkStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint links (filter expression, clear filter command) displayed within the Prefilter panel. |
PrefilterPanelStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel. |
RowAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint the row header area. |
RowFieldValuesAreaStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint a row field value area. |
ScrollBarsIntersectionEmptyCellStyle | For internal use. |
Theme | Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase. |
TotalCellStyle | Gets the style settings used to paint total cells. |
VerticalScrollBarEmptyCellStyle | For internal use. |
See Also