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PivotGridStyles Properties
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Provides the style settings used to paint the elements within the pivot grid.
Name Description
AreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint all pivot grid header areas, including the column header area, row header area, data header area, and filter header area.
CellsAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint a data cell area.
CellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint cells.
ColumnAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the column header area.
ColumnFieldValuesAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint a column field value area.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase.
CustomizationFieldsCloseButtonStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the close button within the Customization Fields window.
CustomizationFieldsContentStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window’s content.
CustomizationFieldsHeaderStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window’s header.
CustomizationFieldsStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Fields window.
CustomTotalCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint cells within custom totals.
DataAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the data header area.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
FieldValueGrandTotalStyle Gets the style settings used to paint field values corresponding to grand totals .
FieldValueStyle Gets the style settings used to paint field values.
FieldValueTotalStyle Gets the style settings used to paint field values corresponding to totals.
FilterAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the filter header area.
FilterButtonPanelStyle Gets the style settings used to paint filter button panels.
FilterButtonStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the filter buttons.
FilterItemsAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the items area within the filter window.
FilterItemStyle Gets the style settings used to paint items within the filter window.
FilterWindowStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the filter window.
GrandTotalCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint grand total cells.
HeaderStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the grid’s headers (column header area, row header area, data header area).
HorizontalScrollBarEmptyCellStyle For internal use.
LoadingDiv Gets the style settings used to paint a rectangle displayed above the ASPxPivotGrid while waiting for a callback response.
LoadingPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the Loading Panel.
MenuItemStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the context menu’s items.
MenuStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the context menu.
PrefilterBuilderButtonAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint a prefilter’s footer that displays buttons.
PrefilterBuilderCloseButtonStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s Close button.
PrefilterBuilderHeaderStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s header.
PrefilterBuilderMainAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the prefilter’s content area.
PrefilterBuilderModalBackgroundStyle Gets style settings that define the appearance of the page displayed behind the invoked Prefilter window.
PrefilterPanelCheckBoxCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the check box.
PrefilterPanelClearButtonCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell that displays the Clear button.
PrefilterPanelExpressionCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the current filter expression.
PrefilterPanelImageCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel’s cell which displays the filter image.
PrefilterPanelLinkStyle Gets the style settings used to paint links (filter expression, clear filter command) displayed within the Prefilter panel.
PrefilterPanelStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the Prefilter panel.
RowAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the row header area.
RowFieldValuesAreaStyle Gets the style settings used to paint a row field value area.
ScrollBarsIntersectionEmptyCellStyle For internal use.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase.
TotalCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint total cells.
VerticalScrollBarEmptyCellStyle For internal use.
See Also