MovingCalculationBinding Class
In This Article
Defines aggregations across a specified number of values before and/or after the current value.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
public class MovingCalculationBinding :
To bind a Pivot Grid field to the result of the Moving Calculation, do the following:
- Create an instance of the
class with the Source property set to the DataBindingBase descendant instance. - Specify the window frame and calculation settings.
- Assign the
instance to the PivotGridFieldBase.DataBinding property.
The example below shows how to use MovingCalculationBinding
to display totals of the Extended Price
field’s neighboring values.
<dx:PivotGridField ID="fieldMovingCalculation" Area="DataArea" AreaIndex="3" Name="fieldMovingCalculation" Caption="MovingCalculation">
<dx:MovingCalculationBinding PartitioningCriteria="ColumnValueAndRowParentValue" Direction="AcrossThenDown"
SummaryType="Average" PreviousValuesCount="1" NextValuesCount="1" >
<dx:DataSourceColumnBinding ColumnName="Extended Price" />
<CellFormat FormatString ="c2" FormatType="Numeric"></CellFormat>
See the following topic for more information: Data Binding API.
See Also