Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.ActiveTabChanged event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.ActiveTabChanging event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.BeforePaste event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a web control’s client BeginCallback event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a web control’s client CallbackError event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CommandExecuted event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CommandExecuting event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.ContextMenuShowing event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomCommand event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a web control’s client BeginCallback event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomDialogClosed event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomDialogClosing event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomDialogOpened event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.DialogClosed event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.DialogClosing event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.DialogInitialized event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a web control’s client EndCallback event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.GotFocus event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.HtmlChanged event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a web control’s ASPxClientControlBase.Init client-side event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.LostFocus event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.SelectionChanged event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.SpellingChecked event.
Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle the client ASPxClientHtmlEditor.Validation event.