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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.DialogClosed Event

Occurs on the client side after a dialog is closed.


DialogClosed: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogClosedEventHandler<ASPxClientHtmlEditor>>

#Event Data

The DialogClosed event's data class is ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogClosedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
dialog Gets the dialog object related to the event. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.
dialogName Gets the dialog name related to the event. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.
parameter Gets a string that contains specific information (if any) passed from the client side for server-side processing. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.


Write a DialogClosed event handler to perform specific actions on the client side each time a dialog is closed.

See Also