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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CommandExecuting Event

Occurs before a default or custom command has been executed and allows you to cancel the action.


CommandExecuting: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientHtmlEditorCommandExecutingEventHandler<ASPxClientHtmlEditor>>

#Event Data

The CommandExecuting event's data class is ASPxClientHtmlEditorCommandExecutingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
cancel Specifies whether to cancel the related action (for example, row edit, export). Inherited from ASPxClientCancelEventArgs.
commandName Gets the name of the processed command.
parameter Gets an optional parameter that complements the processed command.


Use the CommandExecuting event handler to determine the processed command and cancel the action if needed.

To cancel the processed command, set the ASPxClientCancelEventArgs.cancel property to true.

After a command has been executed, the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CommandExecuted event is raised.


Do not use the CommandExecuting event handler to change the editor content HTML code or selection.

See Also