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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.DialogClosing Event

Fires on the client side before a dialog is going to be closed.


DialogClosing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogClosingEventHandler<ASPxClientHtmlEditor>>

#Event Data

The DialogClosing event's data class is ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogClosingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the action which raised the event should be canceled.
dialog Gets the dialog object related to the event. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.
dialogName Gets the dialog name related to the event. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.
parameter Gets a string that contains specific information (if any) passed from the client side for server-side processing. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogCloseEventArgs.


Write a DialogClosing event handler to perform specific actions on the client side each time a dialog is going to be closed. You can use the event parameter’s cancel property to identify whether the action which raised the event should be canceled (ASPxClientHtmlEditorDialogClosingEventArgs.cancel).

See Also