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ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomDialogClosed Event

Occurs on the client side after a custom dialog is closed.


CustomDialogClosed: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientHtmlEditorCustomDialogClosedEventHandler<ASPxClientHtmlEditor>>

#Event Data

The CustomDialogClosed event's data class is ASPxClientHtmlEditorCustomDialogClosedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
data Gets an object associated with the closed dialog.
name Gets the name that uniquely identifies the processed custom dialog. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorCustomDialogEventArgs.
status Gets the status of the closed custom dialog. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorCustomDialogCloseEventArgsBase.


Write a CustomDialogClosed event handler to perform a specific actions on the client side each time a custom dialog is closed. You can use the event parameter’s properties to identify the name of the custom dialog (, its status (ASPxClientHtmlEditorCustomDialogCloseEventArgsBase.status), and the data associated with closing the dialog (

See Also