IModelMember Properties
The Member node defines a property of the class specified by the parent node.Name | Description |
AllowAdd | Considered for the XPCollection type properties, with an abstract class as a generic parameter. Specifies whether instances of this abstract class are added to a List View that displays the current property. |
AllowClear | Specifies whether or not a user can clear a value in the lookup editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
AllowEdit | Specifies whether or not the current Property Editor should be read-only. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
AllowNull | For internal use. |
Application | Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from IModelNode. |
Caption | Specifies the caption of the current Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
CaptionForFalse | Specifies the caption for the false value of the current Property Editor, if this Property Editor displays a property of the Boolean type. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
CaptionForTrue | Specifies the caption for the true value of the current Property Editor, if this Property Editor displays a property of the Boolean type. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
DataSourceCriteria | Specifies filtering criteria for the current Property Editor, if it displays a reference property. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
DataSourceCriteriaProperty | Specifies the name of the property of the CriteriaOperator type, whose value is used to filter a Lookup Property Editor displayed for the current property. |
DataSourceProperty | Specifies the property that the current Property Editor must display, instead of its predefined property. |
DataSourcePropertyIsNullCriteria | Specifies the criteria upon which a list of objects is formed in the current lookup Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
DataSourcePropertyIsNullMode | Specifies objects displayed in the current Lookup Property Editor, when the IModelMemberViewItem.DataSourceProperty property is null (Nothing in VB). Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
DetailViewImageEditorFixedHeight | Specifies the fixed height of Image Property Editors in Detail Views when displaying the property. |
DetailViewImageEditorFixedWidth | Specifies the fixed width of Image Property Editors in Detail Views when displaying the property. |
DetailViewImageEditorMode | Specifies the editor used to display the current property in Detail Views. |
DisplayFormat | Specifies a display format pattern for a Property Editor‘s value. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
EditMask | Specifies a mask expression for a Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
EditMaskType | Specifies the edit mask type of a value in the current Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
Expression | Specifies an expression used to calculate the custom field value. |
GroupInterval | Specifies the default group interval for the current property. |
ImageForFalse | Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the property’s False value. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
ImageForTrue | Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the property’s True value. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
ImageSizeMode | Specifies how the current Property Editor must resize images. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
ImmediatePostData | Specifies whether the property editor’s control value should be passed to the property of a bound object as soon as possible when the value is changed by user. For instance, it allows you to enforce updating other displayed values that are calculated based on the current property. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
Index | Specifies the order index by which nodes are arranged. Inherited from IModelNode. |
IsCalculated | Specifies whether or not the custom field is calculated. |
IsCustom | Specifies whether the current property is custom. |
IsPassword | Specifies whether the current Property Editor displays a password to determine whether its value should be typed as a password. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
IsVisibleInDetailView | Specifies whether the Property Editor that corresponds to a property is visible in a Detail View. |
IsVisibleInListView | Specifies whether the column that corresponds to a property is initially visible in a List View. |
IsVisibleInLookupListView | Specifies whether the current property is displayed in Lookup List Views, together with the default lookup property. |
ListViewImageEditorCustomHeight | Specifies the height of inplace Image Property Editors in List Views, when displaying the property. |
ListViewImageEditorMode | Specifies the inplace editor used to display the current property in List Views. |
LookupEditorMode | Specifies the mode of the current Lookup Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
LookupProperty | Specifies the property whose value is displayed in the text editor of the current Property Editor, if it represents a Lookup Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
MemberInfo | Supplies metadata information on the current property. |
ModelClass | Specifies the business class in which the current property is declared. |
Name | Specifies the current property name. |
NodeCount | Gets the number of child nodes. Inherited from IModelNode. |
NullText | Specifies the text that a Property Editor displays when its value is null or String.Empty. WinForms Property Editors also show this text if their value is DBNull.Value Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
Parent | Provides access to the parent node. Inherited from IModelNode. |
PredefinedValues | Specifies predefined values for the current Property Editor, separated by semicolons. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
PropertyEditorType | Specifies the Property Editor that is used for the current property in a UI. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
PropertyEditorTypes | Specifies the possible Property Editors that can be used for the current property in a UI. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
Root | For internal use only. Inherited from IModelNode. |
RowCount | Specifies the row count of a Property Editor. Inherited from IModelCommonMemberViewItem. |
Size | Specifies the maximum number of characters that users can type in Property Editors of the current string property. You can also specify the current member’s XPMemberInfo.MappingFieldSize property (XPO only) or apply FieldSizeAttribute to it. Property Editors ignore the IModelMember.Size property if its value is more than the MappingFieldSize or FieldSizeAttribute value. |
ToolTip | Specifies the tooltip text. Inherited from IModelToolTip. |
Type | Specifies the current property type. |
See Also