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.NET 6.0+

CompositeObjectSpace.AutoDisposeAdditionalObjectSpaces Property

Specifies whether the current Object Space disposes of its inner Object Spaces from the AdditionalObjectSpaces collection when it disposes itself.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public bool AutoDisposeAdditionalObjectSpaces { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true, if the current Object Space disposes of its inner Object Spaces from the AdditionalObjectSpaces collection when it disposes itself; otherwise, false. The default value equals the AutoDisposeAdditionalObjectSpacesByDefault static field’s value.


Dispose of Object Spaces that you stopped using because undisposed Object Spaces may lead to memory leaks. Set this property to true to automatically dispose of all additional Object Spaces simultaneously with the parent Object Space.

Refer to the following GitHub example to see how to use this property: How to refresh Non-Persistent Objects and reload nested Persistent Objects.

See Also