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End-User Report Designer in ASP.NET Core Applications

  • 2 minutes to read

Run Demo: Report Designer for ASP.NET Core

This section describes the ASP.NET Core Report Designer component that allows users to create and edit DevExpress reports.


Visual Studio should have the following workloads:

  • ASP.NET and web development
  • .NET Core cross-platform development


In .NET 6, the System.Drawing.Common library is compatible with Windows only. An exception is thrown on other platforms. See the following topic for more information: Reporting .NET/.NET Core Limitations.

Add the Report Designer to Your Application

The ReportDesigner method returns the ReportDesignerBuilder that adds the Report Designer to a Razor page or View:


For information about Report Designer settings that you can specify in code, refer to the following help topic: ReportDesigner API.

Review these tutorials to configure the Report Designer component in your ASP.NET Core application:

Refer to the following help topic for information on how to add a report to an ASP.NET Core application:


A general technique that allows you to customize the UI elements in Reporting components: Use Custom HTML Templates.

For information about specific customization tasks, review the following help topic: End-User Report Designer Customization (ASP.NET Core).

Best Practices

For code samples, review the following help topic: ASP.NET Core and Angular Reporting Best Practices.



If you experience a problem with a Web Reporting application, review the following help topics: