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Populating Popup Menus

  • 4 minutes to read

Populating Popup Menus

When you place a PopupMenu component onto a form at design time, you can use the menu’s Editor to add and remove items from it. Right-click the popup menu component and select the Customize option. This invokes the Customization Window that provides access to the available bar items and opens the menu’s Editor:


Before customizing and using a popup menu, add a BarManager or RibbonControl to the form and ensure that the popup menu is bound to this BarManager/RibbonControl. By default, a popup menu being added to the form at design time automatically looks for a BarManager/Ribbon Control within the form, and if it’s found, binds itself to the located object via the PopupMenuBase.Manager/PopupMenuBase.Ribbon property. When creating the menu at runtime, you may need to manually bind it to a is not bound to a BarManager/Ribbon Control via these properties.

The following image shows the Customization Window and a popup menu’s Editor:

Popup Menu Customization From

You can use drag and drop to move items from the Customization Window onto the menu, move items within the menu or remove items from the menu. When you place a bar item onto a menu (or a bar), a link to this item is created, and placed within a target component instead of the item. For general information on items and links, refer to the Bar Item Links document.

To manage an item collection for a popup menu via code, use the PopupMenuBase.ItemLinks collection. It allows you to add, remove and access individual items.


Before you begin:

  • Drop the BarManager component onto the form.
  • Drop the SvgImageCollection component onto the form.
  • Add the following DevExpress SVG icons to the image collection: Copy, Paste, Add File, Folder.

The following example demonstrates how to create a popup menu and bind the menu to the Form. Right-click the form to invoke the menu (at runtime).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace DevExpressPopupMenu {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Completes the BarManager's initialization (to allow its further customization on the form load)
            // Creates a popup menu.
            PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();
            menu.Manager = barManager1;
            // Specifies a collection of vector (SVG) icons.
            barManager1.Images = svgImageCollection1;
            // Creates and initializes the items.
            BarSubItem itemAdd = new BarSubItem(barManager1, "Add");
            BarButtonItem itemAddFile = new BarButtonItem(barManager1, "File", 2);
            BarButtonItem itemAddFolder = new BarButtonItem(barManager1, "Folder", 3);
            itemAdd.AddItems(new BarItem[] { itemAddFile, itemAddFolder });
            BarButtonItem itemCopy = new BarButtonItem(barManager1, "Copy", 0);
            BarButtonItem itemPaste = new BarButtonItem(barManager1, "Paste", 1);
            // Adds the items to the popup menu.
            menu.AddItems(new BarItem[] { itemAdd, itemCopy, itemPaste });
            // Creates a separator before the Copy item.
            itemCopy.Links[0].BeginGroup = true;
            // Attaches the popup menu to the form.
            barManager1.SetPopupContextMenu(this, menu);
            // Subscribes to the 'ItemClick' event handler to process item clicks.
            barManager1.ItemClick += BarManager1_ItemClick;
        void BarManager1_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
            XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format("The '{0}' item was clicked.", e.Item.Caption));

The image below shows the result.

WinForms Popup Menu