- 2 minutes to read
There are five buttons:
This button navigates an end-user to the previous wizard page. To change its caption, use the WizardControl.PreviousText property. If the WizardStyle.WizardAero style is applied, the button’s caption isn’t displayed.
The XtraWizard control automatically disables the Back button if the Welcome Page is currently being selected. In other instances, you can manually disable the button using the BaseWizardPage.AllowBack option. To hide the button when the control is displayed in the Aero style, use the WizardControl.ShowBackButton property. When WizardControl.WizardStyle is set to WizardStyle.Wizard97, you can hide the button while handling the WizardControl.CustomizeCommandButtons event.
Once the Back button is clicked, the WizardControl.PrevClick event is raised, which allows you to cancel the operation.
This button navigates an end-user to the next wizard page. To change its caption, use the WizardControl.NextText property.
The XtraWizard control automatically hides the Next button if the Completion Page is currently being selected. In other instances, you can manually specify its availability using the BaseWizardPage.AllowNext option.
Once the Next button is clicked, the WizardControl.NextClick event is raised, which allows you to cancel the operation.
If the XtraWizard control operates in modal mode, clicking the Cancel button automatically closes the Wizard window. Otherwise, you should manually perform the required action(s) within the WizardControl.CancelClick event handler. This event is raised after the Cancel button has been clicked.
To change the button’s caption, use the WizardControl.CancelText property.
This button is automatically displayed after the Completion Page has been selected. If the XtraWizard control operates in modal mode, clicking the Finish button automatically closes the Wizard window. Otherwise, you should manually perform the required action(s) within the WizardControl.FinishClick event handler.
To change the button’s caption, use the WizardControl.FinishText property.
By default, this button isn’t displayed. To display it within the Page Layout, enable the WizardControl.HelpVisible option. Once clicked, the WizardControl.HelpClick event is raised, which allows you to perform the required action(s).
The button’s text can be changed using the WizardControl.HelpText property.