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Cursor Modes

  • 3 minutes to read

The PDF Viewer has the following cursor modes:

Mode Example Description How to Activate
Select Tool select-cursor Used to select text and images in a document. Right-click within the document and select Select Tool in the context menu or set the PdfViewer.CursorMode property to SelectTool.
Hand Tool previewButtonHand Used for navigation. Move the mouse while pressing the left button to navigate through the document. After you click the document’s page, the mouse pointer changes from ZoomingChart5 to ZoomingChart6. Drag the mouse pointer to scroll the document. Right-click within the document and select Hand Tool in the context menu or set the PdfViewer.CursorMode property to HandTool.
Marquee Zoom Tool PDF_Marquee Used to change the zoom level and view a particular part of the page. Click to increase the zoom level, or click while pressing the Ctrl key to decrease the zoom level. Drag a rectangle around the page portion to zoom in on it. Right-click within the document and select Marquee Zoom in the context menu or set the PdfViewer.CursorMode property to MarqueeZoom.
Text Markup Tools HighlightTextTool Used to highlight, underline or strike out text. Click one of the Text ribbon group buttons on the Comment tab or set the PdfViewer.CursorMode to TextHighlightTool, TextStrikethroughTool, or TextUnderlineTool.
Text Annotation Tools cursor Used to create text annotations (sticky notes), free text annotations (text boxes), and callouts (text boxes with pointer lines). Click Sticky Note, Free Text, or Callout on the Comment ribbon tab or set the PdfViewer.CursorMode to StickyNoteTool, FreeTextTool, or CalloutTool.

Create Custom Interaction Tool

Handle mouse and keyboard events to create a custom interaction tool.

The following code sample handles the MouseMove event to change the appearance of the mouse pointer over different parts of the document’s surface:


public partial class Form1 : RibbonForm
    Cursor currentCursor = null;

    //This property checks whether the cursor is located within the document's borders
    bool CursorIsOverPage { get { return pdfViewer.IsDocumentOpened && pdfViewer.GetDocumentPosition(pdfViewer.PointToClient(MousePosition), false) != null; } }

    public Form1()
        pdfViewer.CursorMode = PdfCursorMode.Custom;
        pdfViewer.MouseMove += PdfViewer_MouseMove;
        currentCursor = pdfViewer.Cursor;


    private void PdfViewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        //Show the No cursor when it hovers over the document
        pdfViewer.Cursor = currentCursor != null && CursorIsOverPage ? Cursors.No : currentCursor;