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DiagramItem.CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment Property

Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the collapse button.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Diagram

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Diagram.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Diagram


public Alignment CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An Alignment enumeration value that specifies the vertical alignment of the collapse button.

Available values:

Name Description

In a left-to-right layout, items are aligned to the left from the layout axis. In a right-to-left layout, items are aligned to the right.


Items are aligned along the layout axis.


In a left-to-right layout, items are aligned to the right from the layout axis. In a right-to-left layout, items are aligned to the left.


The DiagramItem.CollapseButtonPosition and DiagramItem.CollapseButtonOffset properties define the actual position of the collapse button. The DiagramItem.CollapseButtonPosition property is set in relative coordinates within the shape border. 0,0 corresponds to the top-left corner of the shape border, 1,1 corresponds to the bottom-right corner. The DiagramItem.CollapseButtonOffset property specifies the offset in absolute coordinates.

The CollapseButtonHorizontalAlignment and CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment properties specify the alignment of the collapse button’s border relative to its actual position. The images below illustrate the collapse button placement when the CollapseButtonHorizontalAlignment property is set to Center.

  • CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment is Near

  • CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment is Center

  • CollapseButtonVerticalAlignment is Far

See Also