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AccordionControl.CanSelectItem Event

Occurs when an end user moves the mouse over an item or selects items with the keyboard and allows you to prevent particular accordion items from being selected.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Accordion

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Accordion.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Accordion


public event EventHandler<CanSelectItemEventArgs> CanSelectItem

Event Data

The CanSelectItem event's data class is CanSelectItemEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
CanSelect Gets or sets whether the processed accordion item can be selected.
Item Gets the processed item.


In the event handler, use the Item property to get the processed item. To prevent this item from being selected, set the CanSelect property to false.

In Bound Mode

In bound mode, the Item property returns a bound data object.

The code sample below demonstrates how to prevent an item with the “Application Settings” caption from being selected.

<Window ...
            ItemsSource="{Binding AppMenu.MenuItems}"
            CanSelectItem="AccordionControl_CanSelectItem" />
private void AccordionControl_CanSelectItem(object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Accordion.CanSelectItemEventArgs e) {
    MenuItem item = (MenuItem)e.Item;
    if (item.Caption.Equals("Application Settings")) {
        e.CanSelect = false;

In Unbound Mode

In unbound mode, the Item property returns an AccordionItem.

The code sample below demonstrates how to prevent an item with the “Application Settings” header from being selected.

<Window ...
            CanSelectItem="AccordionControl_CanSelectItem" >
            <dxa:AccordionItem Header="Start Page"/>
            <dxa:AccordionItem Header="Preferences">
                <dxa:AccordionItem Header="Account Info"/>
                <dxa:AccordionItem Header="Application Settings"/>
            <dxa:AccordionItem Header="About"/>
using DevExpress.Xpf.Accordion;

private void AccordionControl_CanSelectItem(object sender, CanSelectItemEventArgs e) {
    AccordionItem item = (AccordionItem)e.Item;
    if (item.Header.Equals("Application Settings")) {
        e.CanSelect = false;
See Also