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TdxServerModeDataFindCriteria Members

Stores data filter criteria and concomitant settings for a server mode data controller.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomDataController) Initializes a new instance of the TcxDataFindCriteria class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
Create(TObject) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomDataFindCriteria class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomDataFindCriteria.


Name Description
Behavior Specifies whether a search operation filters out records that do not meet the active search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
DataController Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
MatchCount Returns the number of search results. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
MatchRowIndexes Provides access to row indexes of the search results by their match indexes. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
Text Specifies the text search string treated as one or more search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
UseExtendedSyntax Specifies if the extended syntax is available for a search string. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.


Name Description
AddItem(Integer) Adds the specified item to the search sources. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
ClearItems Removes all items from the search sources. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetCurrentMatchIndex Returns the match index of the focused row that meets the active filter or search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetNextMatchIndex Returns the match index of the nearest record whose row index is greater than the focused record’s row index. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetPreviousMatchIndex Returns the match index of the nearest record whose row index is less than the focused record’s row index. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GetTextStartPositionByRecordIndex(Integer,Integer,string) Returns a highlighted text match and its start position in a data item by the specified record and item indexes. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GetTextStartPositionByRowIndex(Integer,Integer,string) Returns a highlighted text match and its start position in a data item by the specified row and item indexes. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GoToFirstMatch Moves focus to the first row that meets the active filter or search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GoToLastMatch Moves focus to the last row that meets the active filter or search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GoToNextMatch Moves focus to the next row that meets the active filter or search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
GoToPreviousMatch Moves focus to the previous row that meets the active filter or search criteria. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
IsActive Identifies if the search criteria are active. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
RemoveItem(Integer) Removes the specified item from the list of search sources. Inherited from TcxDataFindCriteria.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also