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TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions Properties

The base class for the TdxCustomRibbonGalleryOptions and TdxRibbonGalleryGroupOptions classes that represent appearance settings for galleries and gallery groups.
Name Description
Images Provides images for gallery items.
ItemImagePosition Specifies the manner in which a gallery item‘s image and text (caption and description) are aligned.
ItemImageSize Specifies the height and width of item images within a gallery group.
ItemPullHighlighting Provides access to contiguous highlighting options.
ItemSize Specifies the height and width of gallery items.
ItemTextAlignVert Specifies items’ text vertical alignment in all gallery groups.
ItemTextKind Specifies the caption and description visibility for a gallery group‘s items.
PopupMenu Specifies a custom popup menu for a ribbon gallery or its groups.
SpaceAfterGroupHeader Specifies the additional offset (in pixels) from a group header to gallery items.
SpaceBetweenItemCaptionAndDescription Specifies the distance (in pixels) between a gallery item‘s caption and description.
SpaceBetweenItemImageAndText Specifies the distance (in pixels) between a gallery item‘s image and text (caption and description).
SpaceBetweenItemsHorizontally Specifies the horizontal space between gallery items, in pixels.
SpaceBetweenItemsVertically Specifies the vertical space between gallery items, in pixels.
See Also