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TdxSpreadSheetDocumentBasedReportLink Class

A fully functional report link designed to associate a Spreadsheet or Report Designer control with the TdxComponentPrinter component.


TdxSpreadSheetDocumentBasedReportLink = class(


This class implements a Spreadsheet report link with support for both the advanced printing features (such as the capability to print comments in different ways, etc.) and the print settings imported from individual worksheets in a loaded document. This document-based report link is a new primary means to connect spreadsheet controls to the component printer while the basic report link serves only to ensure backward compatibility with previous DevExpress control versions. Select a spreadsheet control in the component printer’s “Add Report” dialog, pick the “TdxSpreadSheetDocumentBasedReportLink” item in the dropdown menu below, and click the “OK” button to create a document-based report link in your application.

The document-based report link automatically imports all print-related settings from the active worksheet’s OptionsPrint property set and updates them on every change. As a result, you can use this property set instead of the TdxSpreadSheetDocumentBasedReportLink class members to customize print settings for any individual worksheet in a loaded spreadsheet document. The ExpressPrinting engine uses these settings to build a report via the document-based spreadsheet report link.

See Also