TdxCustomReportLinkOptionsFormatting Class
Represents the report link’s options, which determine the generic look and feel of the controls within a report.
TdxCustomReportLinkOptionsFormatting = class(
The TdxCustomReportLinkOptionsFormatting class is the base class for the classes which provide options for customizing the appearance aspects of the controls within a report such as:
GridLineColor – controls the color of the grid lines (if any);
LookAndFeelKind – specifies the overall look of the controls;
SuppressBackgroundBitmaps – controls the visibility of the background bitmap images;
UseLookAndFeelColors – determines the look and feel style for the controls which are painted using the native window’s style (for instance, the Windows® XP style);
UseNativeStyles – specifies the source of the styles which are used to paint controls.
Descendants of the TdxCustomReportLinkOptionsFormatting class extend it with new options specific to a particular control.