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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxCustomTableControlReportLinkOptionsPagination Class

Represents the report link’s options, which determine how a multi-page report for a table control is split across the pages.


TdxCustomTableControlReportLinkOptionsPagination = class(


The TdxCustomTableControlReportLinkOptionsPagination class is the base class for classes which provide options that are used to customize the manner in which a report for a table control such as the TreeList and Grid is paginated. The following properties are used to specify this:

  • Band and Column – used to avoid partial bands and columns in a report during horizontal pagination, correspondingly;

  • Row – used to avoid partial rows in a report during vertical pagination;

  • Custom – enables setting page breaks within a report.

Descendants of the TdxCustomTableControlReportLinkOptionsPagination class (the TdxGridReportLinkOptionsPagination and TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsPagination classes) extend it with new options specific to particular controls.


See Also