TdxDrawGridReportLink.OnCustomDrawCellEx Event
Enables you to custom paint cell contents.
property OnCustomDrawCellEx: TdxCustomDrawCellExEvent read; write;
Handle the OnCustomDrawCellEx event to custom paint cell contents. This event’s Sender parameter identifies the report link which is about to be rendered. The ACol and ARow parameters identify the cell to be painted by the column and row indexes respectively. The ACanvas parameter represents the drawing surface. The AFont parameter provides the report link’s font settings. The ABoundsRect and AClientRect parameters specify the rendered cell’s bounding rectangles including or excluding borders.
If no additional processing is required after the OnCustomDrawCellEx event handler execution, the handler should set the ADone parameter to True. Note that in this case, the OnCustomDrawCell event will not be raised.
This event is only raised if the Supported